
Science at Stathern

Science is an integral subject of the curriculum at Stathern and many topics are based around the science subject. Here at Stathern the children really enjoy their science lessons, they learn through practical and written activities, working in groups and through whole class sessions.

Science is a very, broad curriculum and covers many scientific areas that teach the children about the world around them. At Stathern, we want to develop the children`s curiosity for science and to learn how science impacts on their lives through nature or by the discoveries and inventions of famous scientists.

How is science taught? Well, the national curriculum sets out the areas we have to teach, these range from seasons right through to learning about Charles Darwin`s theory of evolution and inheritance and everything in between.  Some areas are repeated across different year groups and are progressive so the children keep developing and growing their knowledge. The science curriculum begins in Class 1, it is taught within the EYFS strand `Understanding the World`. It is taught holistically through different topics with lots of practical activities and curiosity including their amazing woodland walks. In KS1 and KS2 the children will learn scientific knowledge through the different curriculum areas often linked to their class`s overall topic. They will also take part in practical investigations to find the answer to a question or to observe changes over time, this is to develop their scientific enquiry skills and be `scientists`. When appropriate, trips out of school will be organised to enhance and enrich the science taught.

We hope to organise a science week later on this year, so hopefully we will be able to show you some of our learning and scientific skills.

Mrs Waller

Science subject lead.